
Already have an account? Log in instead!

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^ array:8 [
  "id_gender" => array:9 [
    "name" => "id_gender"
    "type" => "radio-buttons"
    "required" => false
    "label" => "Social title"
    "value" => null
    "availableValues" => array:2 [
      1 => "Mr."
      2 => "Mrs."
    "maxLength" => null
    "errors" => []
    "autocomplete" => ""
  "firstname" => array:9 [
    "name" => "firstname"
    "type" => "text"
    "required" => true
    "label" => "First name"
    "value" => null
    "availableValues" => array:1 [
      "comment" => "Only letters and the dot (.) character, followed by a space, are allowed."
    "maxLength" => null
    "errors" => []
    "autocomplete" => ""
  "lastname" => array:9 [
    "name" => "lastname"
    "type" => "text"
    "required" => true
    "label" => "Last name"
    "value" => null
    "availableValues" => array:1 [
      "comment" => "Only letters and the dot (.) character, followed by a space, are allowed."
    "maxLength" => null
    "errors" => []
    "autocomplete" => ""
  "email" => array:9 [
    "name" => "email"
    "type" => "email"
    "required" => true
    "label" => "Email"
    "value" => null
    "availableValues" => []
    "maxLength" => null
    "errors" => []
    "autocomplete" => ""
  "password" => array:9 [
    "name" => "password"
    "type" => "password"
    "required" => true
    "label" => "Password"
    "value" => null
    "availableValues" => []
    "maxLength" => null
    "errors" => []
    "autocomplete" => ""
  "ps_dataprivacy_customer_privacy" => array:9 [
    "name" => "customer_privacy"
    "type" => "checkbox"
    "required" => true
    "label" => "Customer data privacy<br><em>Los datos personales que proporciona son utilizados para satisfacer sus necesidades, procesar pedidos o permitirle el acceso a una información específica. Usted tiene el derecho de modificar y eliminar toda la información personal que se encuentra en la página "Mi Cuenta".</em>"
    "value" => false
    "availableValues" => []
    "maxLength" => null
    "errors" => []
    "autocomplete" => ""
  "psgdpr_psgdpr" => array:9 [
    "name" => "psgdpr"
    "type" => "checkbox"
    "required" => true
    "label" => "I have read and accept the <a href="">Particular Conditions</a> and the <a href="">Privacy Policy</a> from ARETEX, S.A."
    "value" => false
    "availableValues" => []
    "maxLength" => null
    "errors" => []
    "autocomplete" => ""
  "captcha" => array:9 [
    "name" => "captcha"
    "type" => "text"
    "required" => true
    "label" => ""
    "value" => 1
    "availableValues" => []
    "maxLength" => null
    "errors" => []
    "autocomplete" => ""
First name
info Only letters and the dot (.) character, followed by a space, are allowed.
Last name
info Only letters and the dot (.) character, followed by a space, are allowed.