Cotton knitwear for baby girl and boy | Condor Online Shop

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Have you not yet renewed your children's wardrobe with the colors of this season? We present knitted garments made of 100% cotton. Children never sit still, they run, play, jump... and with our knitwear, they will also be trendy. Our knitwear for babies are very comfortable and versatile garments. Look in our catalog and choose from more than 35 colors for babies and children. You are sure to find one or more colors that are perfect to match our tights and socks for boys and girls. Dare with...Read more

Have you not yet renewed your children's wardrobe with the colors of this season? We present knitted garments made of 100% cotton. Children never sit still, they run, play, jump... and with our knitwear, they will also be trendy. Our knitwear for babies are very comfortable and versatile garments. Look in our catalog and choose from more than 35 colors for babies and children. You are sure to find one or more colors that are perfect to match our tights and socks for boys and girls. Dare with the new seasonal colors.

Do you know what makes them so special? That only at Cóndor we can offer you the same color tone for knitwear as for tights and socks so that the result is a totally coordinated look. You know why? We are manufacturers and we have our own dyeing department, so we can dye all items in the same color with a uniform result. How many times have you wasted a lot of time and patience looking for a jacket that matches the dress and tights? At Condor we have the solution. Choose the dress and we offer you all the accessories in the same colour: socks, tights, hats, gloves, scarves and hair accessories.

  Their chic - casual style makes them an ideal garment for any occasion; a must have in the wardrobes of any baby, boy or girl. From short garter knit jackets for girls with a classic style to wear over a dress, to wearing them over a shirt that you can wear both in winter and on cooler summer days. If you are looking for a transitional jacket for your children, you have already found it!

  Knitwear has always been our passion, we manufacture them in a wide variety of colors and sizes, from 3 months to 12 years. Consult all the information on composition and care in the product file to always have them as new. Buy now in our online store and receive it in 1-2 days so that you do not have to wait any longer than is really necessary to release everything you have bought.

  Free shipping for orders over €60! In addition, we offer you free returns so you can buy with complete peace of mind. Condor, a world of color at a single click!

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